The week prior to Easter we focused on 2nd Peter 2:24,
“He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.” (ESV)
I wonder which was more painful for Jesus; to be nailed to a cross, or to bear the sins of the world in his body.
A students came to Club that Thursday, they read the Bible verse and were then asked, “What sins of the world trouble you the most?” We listened to the responses. They were given a small slip of paper and asked to write down their sins and the sins of the world on the paper. We asked them not to put their names on the slips of paper. They were then asked to nail the slips of paper on a wooden cross inthe corner of the room. It was a somber sound for forty-five minutes as students arrived and individually pounded their sins to the cross.
After everyone left, I was cleaning up the cross and nails. One of the slips of paper fell off the cross, I did read it. It said, (forgive me for) “Framing my brother for things I have done.” I did chuckle a little, but then realized I had done something similar when I was a child. No matter how innocent, or how grievous, our sins are, Jesus bore them in his body on the cross. Thank God for forgiveness through Jesus death and for Easter!
It is a privilege to work with youth and the Gospel. Thank you for helping make it possible!
John Engelstad
Austin Area Youth For Christ Director