Friends in Christ,
We have had a wonderful school year of ministry at Youth for Christ in Austin! I hated to see the school year end. On the last morning one of the youth said she was going to another school next Fall. My heart sank. Sometimes we only have a moment with youth. The last morning we had John 3:16 as our password.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
Our object lesson was ice cream. After a generous amount of ice cream we scooped into a glass we said, “this is God’s love that has been poured out on us.” Then we poured some chocolate syrup over the ice cream, which is our sin that keeps us from feeling and experiencing God’s love. Fortunately, the blood of Christ (strawberry syrup) covers our sin. Though our sin be red as scarlet it is what as snow when we receive Jesus. What as snow like whipped cream. over a hundred and twenty youth waited in line to hear the Gospel, and get some ice cream. This school year over 350 youth came to our Breakfast Club at least once. Forty middle school youth prayed individually with one of our volunteers or staff to recieve Christ this school year and another nine high school kids. Please be in prayer that they continue their faith journey by getting involved with a local church as we have encouraged.